Explore UAB

The Institutional Research Core Program (IRCP) is pleased to announce the following research cores as part of the IRCP.

Institutional Research Core


Advanced Materials Characterization

Paul Baker, PhD

Animal Behavioral Assessment

Craig Powell, Md, PhD

Biological Data Sciences

Liz Worthey, PhD

Comprehensive Flow Cytometry

Troy Randall, PhD

Comprehensive Genomics Core

Michael Crowley, PhD

High Resolution Imaging Facility

Alexa Mattheyses, PhD

Human Imaging

Andrew Smith, MD, PhD

Macromolecular Structure

Champion Deivanayagam, PhD

& Terje Dokland, PhD

Mass Spectrometry and Proteomics

James Mobley, PhD


Barbara Gower, PhD

Microbiome Research

Casey Morrow, PhD

Nuclear Magnetic Resonance

Will Placzek, PhD

Preclinical Imaging

Anna Sorace, PhD

Research MRI

Mark Bolding, PhD

Transgenic & Genetically Engineered Models

Bob Kesterson, PhD

These fifteen cores were selected based on merit from twenty-four applicant cores by the IRCP Oversight committee. The merit criteria included alignment and contribution to UAB’s research mission, access to cutting-edge technology and/or specialized expertise represented in the services of the core, and core leadership. The IRCP growth to fifteen supported cores is a 36% increase in comparison to the previous year.