As of September 30, 2023, UAB now permits the recruitment of human subjects research participants without an existing relationship with the study team via phone.
- To use this option, The PI and key personnel of the study team will be required to do the following:
- Complete IRB required phone recruitment training in the UAB Campus LMS
- Course Name: “IRB Training - Telephone Recruitment for Human Subject Research Participants”
- Learners will be able to self-enroll in the course directly from the following link: Click HERE
- In the ePortfolio, indicate the plan to recruit and screen participants for the study and request a partial HIPAA waiver.
- Use a recruitment phone script issued by the Office of the IRB.
- Complete IRB required phone recruitment training in the UAB Campus LMS
Things to Note:
- According to the UAB Procedure for Selection and Recruitment of Subjects in Research (PRO139), Investigators are responsible for providing information on methods and materials they plan to use to recruit participants. (E.g. Advertisements, flyers, letters, scripts, videos, email, etc.)
- More on information can be found on the IRB Policies, Procedures and Guidance Website under the “ Current IRB Policies and Procedures”
- Training is ONLY required if the research team DOES NOT have a pre-existing relationship with the participants. The completion of the training will be verified by the Office of the IRB within the Personnel eForm in the “Certifications” table.
- Intention to recruit using this option should be indicated within the ePortfolio. The training course will provide guidance on how and where to indicate the use of phone scripts in the ePortfolio.
- The Recruitment Script, issued by the Office of the IRB, will be made available once the PI and key personnel of the study team complete the LMS course. The Recruitment Phone Script should be used verbatim – Do not veer from the script.
- Reminder of the impacts of incorrect use of the script:
- Perceptions of invasion of privacy of participants by UAB.
- Potential damage of relationships between UAB and participants.
- Tarnish the reputation of UAB Research (as an institution and in research communities across the U.S.)
- Completely lose the option to use this method of recruitment for UAB research.