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This course is ONLY for non-UAB research personnel who are covered by the UAB IRB through an Individual Investigator Agreement (IIA) or IRB Authorization Agreement (IAA).

This course does not satisfy any training requirement for UAB personnel and students. 

  1. Go to https://www.citiprogram.org/default.asp.
  2. Click "Register Here."
    • Select your institution or organization: Under "Participating Institutions," choose University of Alabama, Birmingham.
    • Create your username and password: Create a username and password to use with the CITI system, and make a note of them.
    • Security question and answer: Choose a security question, as listed in the dropdown box, and provide the answer.
    • Name: Enter your name as shown on the Individual Investigator Agreement (IIA).
    • Email address: Use an email address you will have access to--this is used in case you forget your user name or password.
    • CME/CEU credits: You probably will answer "No."
    • Professional Certification: Use the dropdown box to respond.
    • Course Survey: Indicate whether you are willing to complete the course survey.
  3. Member Information: Please complete all applicable fields. Click "Submit."
  4. Select Groups:
    1. For Question 1, choose Group 2.
    2. For Question 2, choose "Community Based Participatory Research." 
    3. Leave Question 3 blank.
    4. Answer "Not at this time" for Question 4. 
    5. Click "Continue."
  5. Register with another institution? You probably will answer "No."
  6. Learner's Menu: Under My Courses, beside Community Based Participatory Research, Basic Course, click "Enter" to view and complete all of the required modules.
  7. Completion Report: After completing the course, save the Completion Report for your records. The Office of the IRB is automatically notified.