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The UAB Institutional Research Core Program (IRCP), in partnership with the Vice-President for Research Office and the School of Medicine, is welcoming applications from UAB faculty to lead the Comprehensive Flow Cytometry Core (CFCC) as Director. The successful candidate will take on the responsibilities described below for Institutional Research Core leadership.


Core leadership is dedicated to the effective, efficient and transparent operation of the core in compliance with Federal, State, UAB and IRCP policies and for the benefit of the UAB scientific community.


Each Institutional Research Core (core) must have a Director. The Director is responsible for the scientific direction and operational management of the core, ensuring it provides the highest quality of service to the core’s users. The Director will establish and maintain the core’s operating procedures with assurance of the scientific rigor and reproducibility of the services and data the core provides, while maintaining excellent customer service. It is incumbent that all Core Directors seek to ensure the financial sustainability of the Core facility they lead and that the resources they provide are utilized most efficiently.

Primary Responsibilities:

  • Determining the services to be provided by the core and the necessary resources to do so
  • Long-term planning including a business plan
  • Effective communication regarding the core’s services with current and potential users of the core
  • Develop and implement the education and marketing activities of the core
  • Fiscal management of the core and compliance with IRCP guidelines for annual fee-for-service rate setting
  • Maintaining core equipment in excellent operating condition
  • Stay informed on technological advances that would/could improve the core’s services
  • Apply for funding to add to or improve the core’s instrumentation
  • Management of the core staff in compliance with UAB HR policies
  • Systematic assessment of the quality of service provided by the core
  • Meet with the core’s Advisory Committee at least semi-annually
  • Consult with UAB Research Centers, Department, Divisions and faculty to submit grants that will require the core’s services, including contributions of written sections
  • Compliance with all applicable IRCP policies


The Director will be a UAB faculty member that dedicates an appropriate level of effort to fulfill their responsibilities to the core with the understanding that this will be variable based on core activities. They must be a subject matter expert in the services provided by the core, with the commensurate formal education and training in a related field. They will have a research track record of application and development of core services. The Director will have a track record of performance in the area(s) of service provided by the core with documented experience in application development and publication record, plus a history of progressive responsibility in laboratory/core management. The Director will have the ability to effectively and transparently communicate with University, School, Departmental, and UWIRC Center leadership as well as individual faculty. This will be evidenced in their track record of effective participation in service activities across UAB.

If the Director also has their own independent research program, those activities must be kept separate and distinct from the operation of the core. An official conflict of interest mitigation memorandum of understanding (MOU) with the IRCP that documents how the separation of the core and the Director’s own independent research program will be maintained must be in place. This MOU must include provisions for transparency of operations and the process for review by the Advisory Committee. Included should be the establishment of the role of the Operational Director that is 100% dedicated to the core and provides dayto- day management of the core with an established line of reporting transparency and independence.

Line of Reporting:

The Director will report directly to the IRCP Director and the core’s Advisory Committee. Regular performance evaluations, in alignment with UAB Policy, will be completed by the IRCP Director with input from the Advisory Committee. The IRCP Director has the authority to take any necessary performance correcting actions in alignment with UAB HR Policy.


Applicants should submit their CV and a two-page application including the following components:

  • Knowledge and expertise in Flow Cytometry
  • Track record of applying Flow Cytometry to address research questions (referenced publication list not included in two pages)
  • Experience in laboratory management and/or directing a research core facility including
  • Examples of service to UAB highlighting effective communication and collaboration
  • Brief description of vision and plans for the Comprehensive Flow Cytometry Core


July 13, 2020 at 5:00 PM
Submit to IRCP Director, Michael Bertram via email (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)


Applications will be reviewed by the IRCP Oversight Committee and the CFCC Steering Committee.