UAB Radiation Pop Culture Project
From the creation of Godzilla that hit the theatres in the 1950's - to the nuclear holocaust of the made-for-television movie "The Day After" in the 1980's - to the shenanigans of Homer Simpson in the 1990's (through today!) - to the song "Radioactive" by Imagine Dragons in the 2010's - the topic of radiation has permeated pop culture. The depiction of radiation - whether realistic, fantastic, or somewhere in between - has captured the fascination of audiences from day one.
We are certainly not an exception to this rule. Come to think of it - we are probably more susceptible to this because of our field. We went so far as to create the UAB Radiation Pop Culture Project. This is a Hulk-sized reference bank dedicated to tracking and monitoring pop culture references to radiation. We have around 1,000 references so far.