Explore UAB

Welcome to the Department of Clinical & Diagnostic Sciences (CDS) and congratulations on your admission to one of our academic programs.

We ask all incoming CDS students to complete the Orientation Checklist items below and provide required documentation for all sections marked with an astrisk (*) by Friday, August 4, 2023.

Click below for a printable version of the orientation checklist.

2023 Printable Orientation Checklist

IMPORTANT: All incoming Spring 2024 Biotechnology admits complete their orientation items below by Friday, January 5, 2024

Please use the link below for access.


Attendance at your program's orientation is also mandatory. Please see below for your program's schedule.

If you need assistance in completing your checklist items, please contact your program's coordinator below:

    • Biotechnology Program (BT) - Jenna Knauf | jeknauf@uab.edu | 205-996-4942
    • Clinical Laboratory Sciences Program (CLS) and Health Physics Program (HP) - Angela Blakely | angb2015@uab.edu | 205-934-4605
    • Genetic Counseling Program (GC) / Nuclear Medicine & Molecular Imaging Sciences Program (NMMIS) - Klaressa Washington |  finleyk1@uab.edu | 205-996-9921
    • Physician Assistant Studies Program (PA) - Tina Gunn | tkgunn@uab.edu | 205-934-2004

We look forward to seeing you this fall!


If you have not done so, go to www.uab.edu/blazerid to register for your BlazerID.

Register for Your UAB Student ONE Card

Your ONE Card serves are your UAB student ID, as well as your library card, meal card, access card for residence halls, Blazer Bucks declining balance card, and admissions card for such things as the Rec Center and UAB sporting events.

You can get your ONE Card made at the One Stop office or online. All new students get their first card for free of charge. All CDS students are required to wear their ONE Card at all times (Class, Clinicals, and Laboratories). If you do not already have a ONE Card, please obtain one after you have registered for classes.

ONE Card Office Locations:

Russell Ambulatory Center - Room M-165, 1813 6th Avenue South

Burleson Building - Suite 230, 909 18th Street South

Hill Student Center - Suite 103, 1400 University Boulevard

Register for Classes / View Program Catalogs

For information and instructions about the registration process, visit When and How to Register.

  • Visit your program's class catalog below:

  • *Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging Sciences - See your program's section for details.

    Complete Online
    Training Courses*

    Students enrolled in the School of Health Professions must complete the two (2) trainings listed below using the UAB Learning System.

    Complete each training and upload your certificate(s) of completion to your program Box link in PDF format. Certificates can be downloaded in the default PDF format by clicking DOWNLOAD YOUR CERTIFICATE upon completion of each course.

    • UAB Enterprise Code of Conduct Training
    • UAB/UABHS HIPAA Privacy and Security Training

    Upload your completed certificates to your program below:

    Complete Background Check
    and Drug Screen

    Students enrolled in CDS programs are required to complete a criminal background check through CastleBranch.com prior to the final drop/add date for the fall term (September 3rd). The current rate is $83.75 for this screening and prices are subject to change..

    Visit Castlebranch.com to create your account and use “package code:” AH01.

    Next it will prompt you to pay $83.75. Payment will complete your Background Check.

    For your Drug Screen, you will receive an email within 24-48 hours from Castlebranch.com with further instructions on how to complete your drug screen.

    Attend Program

    Make sure you mark your calendar for your Program Orientation. Please note that both your program orientation and the department orientation are mandatory attendance.

    Review the orienation schedule below for your program's information.

    Click below for driving and parking information.

    Genetic Counseling Requirements*

    Students in the Genetic Counseling Program must complete and upload all documents by Friday, August 4, 2023.

    Student Biography
    Please use the provided template to write a short biography.

    COA Observer Confidentiality and Nondisclosure Form
    Print your name, sign, and date at the bottom of the form. Check 'Student' in the box and write your name.

    UAB Observers Confidentiality Form
    Download the form below and print your name, and sign and date the bottom. Have someone sign and date the form as a witness to verify your identity.

    For 'Position/Title' write 'Genetic Counseling Intern,' for 'School/Department' write 'UAB SHP Clinical and Diagnostic Sciences,' for 'Unit' write 'Genetic Counseling/Genetics,' and circle 'Student' under 'Please indicate your role at UAB.'

    Please upload your completed documents below by Friday, August 4, 2023.

    Health Physics

    We ask that all incoming CDS students complete the Orientation Checklist items and provide all requested documentation by Wednesday, August 2, 2023.

    The following orientation forms are required for the program:

    • Radiation Exposure Release Form
      Needed in case future employers request program records. Please complete the bottom portion with your name, signature, date and student number (B00).

    • Request for Radiation Monitoring
      Needed to supply you with a radiation dosimetry as a student in the program. Please complete the whole form.

    • Waiver of Program Liability for Student Employment in Health Physics
      Needed if you work at a Health Physics facility as a student in the program. Please complete the bottom portion with your name, signature, date and student number (B00).

    Please download these forms below and upload your completed documents below by August 2, 2023.

    Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging Sciences

    We ask that all incoming CDS students complete the Orientation Checklist items and provide all requested documentation by Friday, August 4, 2023.

    Please register for the following courses:

    CRN 64923 - NMT 604:

    Intro to NMT, Management, Patient Care, and Lab (2 SH)

    CRN 64922 - NMT 620:

    NMT Radiation Pysics, Instrumentation and Lab (4 SH)

    CRN 58589 - NMT 631:

    Anatomy and Physiology Procedures (4 SH)

    CRN 63359 - NMT 691:

    NMT Clinical Practice (5 SH)

    CRN 65095 - CDS 505:

    Professional Skills Development (1 SH)

    CRN 66505 - NMT 653:

    Research Methodology and Publication Analysis (2 SH)

    Total Semester Hours: 18 SH

    CPR Training: Students must complete Basic Care Life Support for Healthcare Providers training in order to attend clinic. Please note: opportunities for students to gain their CPR certification will be provided by the program. Dates and times will be provided during the program orientation.

    Students in the Nuclear Medicine & Molecular Imaging Sciences Program must complete the following items. Print any documentation required and include it with your checklist prior to orientation.

    Please fill out the following forms to turn in:

    • Radiation Exposure Release Form
      Needed in the future if future employer requests our records. Please complete the bottom portion with your name, signature, date, and student number (B00).

    • Request for Radiation Monitoring
      Needed to supply you with a radiation dosimetry as a student in the program. Please complete the whole form.

    • Waiver of Program Liability for Student Employment in NMMIS/HP
      Needed if you work at an NMMIS/HP Facility as a student while in the program. Please complete the bottom portion with your name, signature, date, and student number (B00).

    Once completed, please upload your files to the appropriate place with other orientation documents by August 4, 2023.

    Physician Assistant
    Studies Requirements*

    We ask that all incoming CDS students complete the Orientation Checklist items and provide all required documentation by Friday, August 4, 2023.

    Students in the Physician Assistant Studies program must complete the following items before orientation:

    • Complete a Questionnaire
      Complete a Learning Styles Questionnaire and bring to orientation. Fill out the Questionnaire. Please note: this questionnaire is borrowed from North Carolina State University.

    Please upload all orientation documents below:

    PLEASE NOTE: Physician Assistant Studies students will have headshot photos taken during their program orientation and must dress professionally.


    Read Your Program
    Student Handbook

    In order to prepare for Orientation, read your Student Handbook for your Program. You can find your program's handbook on your program's homepage. There you will see a "Student Handbooks" link located in the Menu on the right hand side of the page.

    Please refer back to your Program Handbooks on Monday, August 14, 2023.

    Complete and Upload Orientation Forms

    We ask that all incoming CDS students complete the Orientation Demographics and Compliance Survey by Friday, August 4, 2023.

    Visit the link below to complete the required Orientation Form.

    Register for Student Health Insurance
    or Submit a Waiver

    Students in the School of Health Professions are required to have health insurance. Students must purchase insurance VIVA Student Health or submit an Insurance Waiver Form.

    Set up your Personal
    Medical Clearance page

    Students enrolled in the School of Health Professions must meet specific immunization requirements based on the program in which they are enrolled. Students can visit their specific immunization/TB requirements and general information on the Medical Clearance Page.

    *All requirements must be met prior to registering for classes. UAB Student Health and Wellness will place administrative holds on a student’s account if these requirements are not completed by Monday, August 14, 2023.

    If you have any questions, please contact UAB Student Health Services at 205-975-7753 or medclearance@uab.edu

    Register for the UAB
    Emergency Notification System

    B-Alert is the official source of UAB emergency information. By registering, you will be notified of any emergency or severe weather situation impacting UAB. To register, go to www.uab.edu/balert.

    Recommended Items

    It is recommended that you complete the following items, but they are not required.


    Purchase Textbooks

    To view textbook information for CDS programs, use the CDS Course and Textbook List. Textbooks may be purchased from the UAB Blazer Bookstore or from online sellers such as Amazon or eBay.

    Purchase a Student
  • Parking Permit
  • Student parking is available on a first-come, first-serve basis. You will need to register now in order to have a parking permit before classes begin.

    *Please Note: UAB Parking and One Stop are working on the One Card/Parking Permit issue. For now, to expedite your UAB One Card to obtain your Parking Permit you will need to go to the Photo Submission Page and submit a photo for your One Card.

    Once your photo is approved, One Stop will activate your UAB One Card and you will be able to obtain your parking permit.