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SHP Honors Program

Participate now as part of an Interdisciplinary team solving community based problems in the health professions

The School of Health Professions Honors program offers you the opportunity to experience real world team-based problem solving in community health care. In this program, you will be part of a team comprised of Biobehavioral Nutrition and Wellness (BNW), Biomedical Sciences (BMD) and Health Care Management (HCM) majors that will work with a faculty mentor to identify, research, solve and implement a solution to problem in partnership with a community health organization.

Eligibility requirements include:

  • a GPA of 3.25 or higher;
  • entering the 3rd year of your major;
  • and completion of the application process.

Invitations to apply are sent to eligible BMD and HCM students during Spring semester, and the SHP Honors program curriculum begins in fall semester. Honors Program students who complete all required courses, a total of 10 hours including six hours of team project work, will graduate with School of Health Professions Honors.

SHP Honors Program Curriculum

  • HRP 200 Responsible Conduct of Research (1 hr)
  • HRP 401 Honors Seminar I (1 hr)
  • HRP 405 Team-Based Problem Solving in the Health Professions (2 hr)
  • HRP 411 Honors Team Community Project (6 hr spread over at least two semesters)
  • HRP 402 Honors Seminar II (1 hr)

For more information, contact Samantha Giordano-Mooga, Ph.D., director of SHP Undergraduate Research at sgiordan@uab.edu

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