Explore UAB

The Volker Hall Simulation Center is a 5,000 square foot, seven-room simulation space on the ground floor of the G133 suite of Volker Hall. It includes four large patient rooms, a multifunctional classroom, a task training room, and conference room.

  • Sim 1 - 4

    Patient Rooms

    • Each patient room has dedicated debriefing space.

    • Large-screen monitor and computer for educational presentations or images in each room

    • Patient monitor displays patient vitals and manikins have breath sounds, heart rhythms, and bowel sounds

    • Manikins are able to be defibrillated and the rooms include defibrillators, working head wall, and other necessary clinical supplies.
  • Sim 5

    Multifunctional Classroom

    • Used for large group prebriefing and debriefing, as well as live video streaming

    • Capacity to seat 50 people in a conference room style set-up

    • SMART Board and computer for digital learning and markup, streaming, viewing presentations or labs and images
  • Sim 6

    Task Training Room

    • Multi-purpose room, primarily used for task training

    • Trainers include: IV arms, arterial wrists, lumbar puncture, Foley catheter, airway management, CVL, and many more.

    • This room also houses Harvey® The Cardiopulmonary Patient Simulator that realistically simulates many cardiac diseases.
  • Sim Ops

    Conference Room

    • This room is staged for scenario development and meetings.

    • Includes a computer and large-screen TV with conference capabilities

Directions to the Volker Hall Simulation Center

Volker Courtyard Volker Courtyard
University Blvd University Blvd