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A Winter Storm Warning has been issued for Jefferson County: UAB will alter operations Friday, Jan 10. Learn moreOpens an external link.


newslimageUAB understands your desire to remain knowledgeable about what’s going on with your student’s records. Although the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) prevents schools from divulging student information to anyone other than the student, you can still gain access to the information you need through Parent/Guest Access.

Through Parent/Guest Access, your student can grant five individuals access to vital information on their UAB record. This information includes the typical details that parent’s need to stay “in the know” regarding their student’s records. Instead of logging into BlazerNet, you will log into uab.edu/parentaccess using your email address and the password that the student has created for you to access the information, which includes:

  • Current charges*
  • Estimated charges for the upcoming semester
  • Financial Aid Awards
  • Academic history, standing, GPA, and courses taken
  • Current Course Schedule
  • (Coming Soon) Student’s Immunization Status

*You are also allowed to make payments toward the student’s account

Have your student log into uab.edu/blazernet and select the Links/Forms tab. Under the Links column, click Parent/Guest Authorization Agreement. The student will type in your email address and create your password to grant you access to their records. Parent/Guest Access must be renewed annually by the student. If your password to the parent site is not working/expired, please contact your student and have them verify the password or reset it.