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Staff Excellence

Dr. Brandon, Dr. Wallace, Damion White and Dr. Kennedy
Each month, an employee who exemplifies dedication, empathy, and honesty is honored based on a pool of nominations presented to the Professional Development Committee.

The June Employee of the Month is Damion White, Assistant Director and Career Consultant in the UAB Career Center. Damion consults for the School of Health Professions and the School of Public Health.

What nominators said about Damion White:

Damion has consistently gone above and beyond in his role. His commitment to student success, building relationships with campus partners, and unwavering dedication to professional development make him an exemplary candidate for this recognition.

Damion is always willing to take on opportunities to grow professionally. He was nominated and elected for the position of Student Affairs representative for the UAB Staff Council. With his background in community engagement and policy advocacy, this appointment will be the perfect opportunity for Damion to represent DoSA and continue to enact change.

Damion identified a need for services for first-generation students and led a partnership with TRIO to increase first-generation students’ engagement with the Career Center. This partnership helped the Career Center surpass its goal of increasing first-generation student appointments with the Career Center. The intentionality in developing these partnerships demonstrates Damion’s commitment to supporting student success and achieving department goals. His contributions have significantly enhanced the quality of the Career Center’s services and exemplify the values of our division.