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Student Experience

Dabney Bragg

Dabney Bragg

21 years old
Major: English
Graduation: December 2016
Hometown: Birmingham, AL

If anyone proves that it’s possible to do it all, it’s graduating senior Dabney Bragg. Dabney is an English major from Birmingham, AL who contributes much of her positive college experience to campus involvement. With her current position as Editor-in-Chief of Aura Literary Arts Magazine along with being a member of her sorority, AOII and several honor societies, one could say she has her hands full. Yet, even with all of her responsibilities and commitments, she has maintained a spot on the President’s list since her first semester at UAB.

Prior to joining UAB Student Media, Dabney did not have a strong leadership background. Through this on-campus organization, she has had the opportunity of being the Editor-in-Chief of Aura, which she says has been an exceptional experience. “I've grown so much through being involved, and I have learned how to be the best leader I can be. There were times, for example, letting a person go from the staff that certainly challenged me, but I am so grateful for the experience since it has helped my confidence and capability in many areas.”

“I think the most helpful thing I have learned is how to make a decision and stick by it. I've always been indecisive, but this has helped me learn that my decision and input are important. Because of this, I feel confident making decisions, something that has helped me in all aspects of life.”

auraDabney’s involvement has also led her to build lasting relationships with others, which she considers extremely valuable. “I have had the opportunity to meet some of the most amazing people. Aura introduced me to my boss, Marie Sutton, her right hand man, Patrick, and a variety of students who are also student leaders. These people are beyond incredible, and they have helped make my time here at UAB so much more enjoyable. Not a day goes by where I am not thankful that these people have come into my life.

Every time I am with the people I work with it is a memorable experience. I have had great days and bad days, and they are always there to give me a hug and make me smile.”

Dabney’s plans after graduation include hopefully working for Teach for America, a nonprofit organization for recent college graduates who dedicate two years to teach in under-resourced schools. She adds, “I would love to be part of that organization and give back to the Birmingham community that has helped foster my growth.” We will keep our fingers crossed and wish Dabney the best of luck post-graduation!