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  • A vintage voyage

    A vintage voyage

    Photo by Amy Lawhon/Staff Photographer
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    Manitou Supply owners Luciana Giovinazzo and David Brown, in addition to selling vintage items, host monthly events open to everyone at their store.

    As older pieces of clothing, shoes and accessories make a comeback, local stores in Birmingham offer spots for classic trends. As older pieces of clothing, shoes and accessories make a comeback, local stores in Birmingham offer spots for classic trends. 

    Manitou Supply is a vintage clothing store that has a collection of outfits and accessories for various styles and occasions.  

    “We have a curated selection of 70s, 80s and 90s casual apparel, including a nice collection of vintage denim pieces,” Luciana Giovinazzo said, co-owner of Manitou Supply. “We also carry some modern items, such as designer toys, bags and handmade jewelry.”  

    This past weekend Manitou featured one of its many events located in its shop in the MAKEbhm space, located on 4000 3rd Ave S. 

    “We have a wall dedicated to art, where we feature a different artist every month, with an opening night event,” Giovinazzo said. “We also do vintage markets, pop-ups and more.” 

    David Brown, co-owner of Manitou, first opened the store on Etsy in 2009. 

    “You can come to shop, or just hang out and see some of the art on our walls,” said Brown, “We truly enjoy being able to promote our own aesthetic voice and outsider fashion and design interests. It’s a blast.” 

    Brown, who was born and grew up in Birmingham said he feels that they are a part of “a new wave of artistic entrepreneurship” in Birmingham.  

    “I think it’s a trend that is growing pretty fast now, especially among college students,” said Giovinazzo, “But older people also know how to appreciate vintage, especially if it’s a piece they remember from their childhood, like David and I do.”  

    Zoe’s in Forest Park, located on 3900 Clairmont Ave S, has a wide selection of vintage clothing for women’s fashion, costume design and accessories.  

    “We have clothing from the 30’s and 40’s to the 80’s, 90’s and 2000’s,” said Jackie Folk, store volunteer. “We also have a lot of soft, gently worn clothing. We have a small selection for guys but we do have cool and funky t-shirts and jackets.” 

    Folk said that the store has a large selection of Halloween costume inspired items as well. 

    Chris Smoot, owner of Memory Lane, offers vintage clothing that is focused on sports, television and pop culture.  

    “Space Jam was my favorite movie growing up so mostly everything even the store’s logo is Space Jam themed,” said Smoot.  Smoot, whose hometown is Bessemer, wants to provide “affordable” prices for younger people that may not be able to buy the more expensive pieces of clothing and shoes.  

    “I don’t see it [vintage clothing] going anywhere because everything is already old,” said Smoot.

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    Memory Lane specializes in sporty and pop culture items, with 

    Photo by Amy Lawhon/Staff Photographer
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    Manitou Supply collects colorful and playful vintage items to sell.

    Photo by Amy Lawhon/Staff Photographer
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  • Useless college majors mythbusted

    useless majorsIllustration courtesy of Casey MarleyCasey Marley - Contributor

    It's the end of the summer semester here at UAB. As finals week ensues for those still in Birmingham for the summer term, UAB anxiously awaits the arrival of its new freshman class. The question awaiting those freshmen: What will you major in?

    College majors have been a debated topic in this country for nearly 50 years. This changed in 1967 when the then governor of California Ronald Reagan created a "major" precedent in the name of saving money: cutting funding to programs that do not have a direct tie to job outcomes or only fulfill “intellectual curiosity” — learning for the sake of learning — according to the Chronicle of Higher Education.  

    This change of thought in the world of higher education has stuck.  

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