Explore UAB

  • International students make UAB their new home

    The annual international student mixer was moved to The Student Hill Center for this year's event. Photo by Spencer PortisThe annual international student mixer was moved to the Student Hill Center for this year's event. Photo by Spencer PortisSufia Alam - Contributor

    Many new international students are arriving and creating their first experiences in the United States as UAB students.
  • UAB partners with international program

    Information about INTO University Partnerships across the United States. (Infographic by Sarah Faulkner).Information about INTO University Partnerships across the United States. (Infographic by Sarah Faulkner).Mark LinnStaff Writer

    On Dec. 3, the UA System Board of Trustees approved a resolution authorizing UAB to enter a 30-year service agreement with INTO University Partnerships, a program designed to help international students meet college standards.

    “We are incredibly pleased to announce this partnership,” said UAB President Ray L. Watts, M.D. in a statement released by UAB. “It is a key step in growing our economic impact in the region and a step forward in our initiative to bring the world to UAB.”
  • UAB’s first INTO students arrive in Birmingham

    Vi Kim Ngo is one of the students who has come to UAB through the INTO partnership. Photo by Ian KeelVi Kim Ngo is one of the students who has come to UAB through the INTO partnership. Photo by Ian Keel
    Mark Linn - 
    Copy Editor

    The first new students recruited through UAB’s work with INTO University Partnerships have already arrived at UAB and have begun taking classes this summer.

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