Explore UAB

  • New study links chronic pain and diet

    Robert Sorge, M.D. headed research at UAB to discover a link between diet and chronic pain. (Photo courtesy of Robert Sorge, M.D.)Robert Sorge, Ph.D. headed research at UAB to discover a link between diet and chronic pain. (Photo courtesy of Robert Sorge, Ph.D.)Tamara ImamCopy Editor

    A research team at UAB headed by Robert Sorge, Ph.D. has shown that patients who suffer from chronic pain are more susceptible to certain health issues if they practice poor diet habits.

    Pain research is of special relevance in the medical community because an increasing number of Americans are visiting a doctor complaining of pain.

    “Pain is the number one reason that people see a doctor. Addiction and misuse of pain medication is also the number one controlled-substance problem in the US,” Sorge said. “Given these two findings, pain is of vital importance to medicine and learning how our lifestyle affects our pain and our recovery from injury (accidental or surgical) is equally as important.”
  • What are undergraduates researching this summer?

    IMG 0905Oladele Osisami presented his and his colleague's award-winning research on the correlation between depression and pain in patients with a serious illness. Photo by Sarah FaulknerMark Linn - Copy Editor

    On July 21 UAB held its annual Summer Expo, showcasing research and service learning projects that are being undertaken by UAB undergraduates and other students from across the country participating in summer research programs.

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