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  • Your college education is being ruined by unnecessary rules

    The Board of Trustees makes the rules. Photo by Sarah FaulknerThe Board of Trustees makes the rules. Photo by Sarah FaulknerWallace Golding - Contributer

    I resent the American collegiate education system, but not for the reasons many of you may think. It is not the outrageous cost of my education that angers me, nor is it the rampant corruption that seems to have taken university officials by storm. Rather, it is the overriding and counterintuitive themes of censorship and political correctness on college campuses that I find so irritating. Speech codes and free speech zones are components of a broken machine, and they are ruining your college education.

    Before I go any further, I want to be clear that I am in no way advocating for the use of discriminatory speech on college campuses or anywhere else in society. I do not condone the practice of derogatory or slanderous language, and I am not suggesting that we all abandon our personal filters.

    Instead, I am proposing that we all reconsider why we spend thousands of dollars each year on tuition.

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