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  • Remember, Remember the 8th of November

    Illustration by Corey BrightIllustration by Corey BrightOliver Ocean -Contributor

    Election time is just around the corner, and with many considering this election to be the downfall of America, it doesn’t seem like too long ago when people swore that the fibers holding this country together would deteriorate under the leadership of our first Black president, Barack Obama.

    While not all of his measures reached the desired effect many were hoping for, his policies — especially in social medicine — took a critical step in the right direction. With this in mind, it’s important for us to note what leadership will be best for the nation. Which leader will fill the vacant Supreme Court seat with the most level-headed judge? Which leader will improve foreign relations and create a viable working world? Which leader will spread tolerance and understanding, not fear and hate?

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