Explore UAB

Student Housing and Residence Life offers two unique types of communities to help students reach their academic potential and get connected with peers who share similar experiences and interests. Research suggests that students who participate in Living & Learning Communities may have higher academic success rates, higher college graduation rates, higher levels of satisfaction with their college experience, and an easier time connecting with their peers (Association of American Colleges & Universities, 2010).

Academic Learning Communities

  • Live anywhere on campus
  • Meet other students who share your major
  • Connect with Faculty Members and Peer Mentors
  • Enjoy programs collaboratively hosted by Student Housing and Residence Life and your given academic school (Business, Engineering, or Health Professions)

Themed Living Communities

  • Live on a floor in one of our first-year residence halls (Blazer, Gold, or McMahon)
  • Neighbor next to students with similar experiences or a shared commitment to academic excellence
  • Connect with student leaders and staff advisors
  • Enjoy the leadership and engagement opportunities of both Student Housing and Residence Life and our campus partners (Transfer Student Organization and the Honors College)