Each spring, students living on campus have the opportunity to sign up for housing for the upcoming Fall. This process begins in February and typically lasts about 2 weeks. Due to the high demand for on-campus housing, it is important that on-campus students apply during this process, as the application may not become available again (based on number of applications received during the reapplication period). Assignment order is not based on date/time of submission, so student can apply at any time during the reapplication period (as long as before the deadline).
During the reapplication period, students can apply by visiting the UAB MyHousing website and clicking on “Log in to MyHousing.”
A $250 prepayment is due at the time of application. Those who are under 19 years of age will be required to have a parent/guardian review and electronically sign the housing contract in order to receive an assignment.

For questions concerning reapplication, students may visit the housing office, email studenthousing@uab.edu,
or call 205-996-0400.