A suite-style residence hall offering space to more than 700 students, Blazer’s the right place to begin or continue the collegiate experience. And not just because you can almost roll out of bed and find yourself in the Dining Commons.

Front Desk Staffed 24/7

Laundry Facilities

Vending Machines

Print Station

Study Rooms

Community Spaces

Game Room

Full Size Refrigerator

WiFi & Ethernet

Cable TV Connection
920 16th Street South
(Your mailbox number)
Birmingham, AL 35205
(205) 996-5710
Room Dimensions: 12 ft * 25 ft
Closet: 36 in Wide
Bed: 42 in * 7 ft
Dresser: 17 ½L x 35W x 19H
Desk: 23 ½L x 48W x 30H
1st floor Window: 94L x 63W
2nd – 8th floor Window: 63L x 62 ¾W