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Vision Science Research Center School of Optometry | School of Medicine

Welcome to the Vision Science Research Center

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VSRC Director
Dr. Steven Pittler
VSRC Associate Director
Dr. Paul Gamlin

Mission: The mission of the Center is to support the research programs of its members through the maintenance of shared facilities, to foster interdisciplinary collaboration in vision research, and to serve the university, community, state and region through education and outreach.

Vision: The VSRC will provide leadership in research in all areas of vision. The Center will strive to improve the competitiveness of its members through the support of shared facilities and graduate education and will support clinical research and community outreach.

The VSRC has the specific goal of creating an internationally recognized center of excellence in vision science, which, by its research and related activities, will constitute a major resource for the generation of knowledge and the training of new vision scientists. The VSRC provides technical assistance in the development of new projects, equipment support, laboratory facilities, and management of shared services and instrumentation to UAB vision scientists. The VSRC sponsored Visiting Scholars Program in the School of Optometry and the Loris and David Rich Lecture Series in the Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences bring internationally recognized vision scientists to the University. The Vision Research at UAB Seminars showcase UAB’s basic and clinical research and relevant other scientific activities on the UAB campus.

VSRC Constitution


Please take a moment and enjoy an online tour of the wonderful Helen Keller Art Show of Alabama. Included are photos of the awards and reception event.
Helen Keller Art Show Links

Songs for Sight News
Former USC football player spoke at annual Songs for Sight event


VSRC Discussion Board
Electronic Scheduler
P30 Support Modules

* Available for authorized users only
** Please use the Electronic Scheduler to reserve Ocular Phenotyping and Molecular Analysis Module instruments time on your computer


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