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Vision Science Research Center School of Optometry | School of Medicine
Alabama Vision Summit

I am pleased to announce the Alabama Vision Summit to be held on November 22. Dr. Christopher Girkin, Dr. Dawn DeCarlo, Dr. Cynthia Owsley, Dr. Christine Curcio, Dr. Crawford Downs and I will be speakers at the summit along with several local and national speakers.

Please join us, along with experts from Prevent Blindness America, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, UAB Callahan Eye Hospital, and faculty from The University of Alabama at Birmingham for a day of informative material demonstrating the costs and prevalence of vision problems, healthcare reform and what it means for Alabama, trends in low vision rehabilitation, new approaches to eye research and treatments, and opportunities for networking and collaborations. 

Please view an Alabama Vision Summit Registration Form and an Agenda, noting the speakers and topics.  Please share these flyers with any colleagues who may be interested, and note that the Summit is geared towards people in the field of vision and eye care, and not the consumer.  Completed registration forms may be e-mailed to: torrey@uab.edu,  srhamilt@uab.edu or flovoy@uab.edu

There will be a Share Table at The Summit  if you would like to bring brochures or other materials from your organization to share with other attendees. 

Steven J. Pittler, PhD
Director, Vision Science Research Center 

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