Our organization is dedicated to the pursuit of academic excellence, community service, mentoring, and social awareness for minority graduate students at the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB).
We sponsor monthly events that include:
- Social events and forums dedicated to issues of interest
- Professional development seminars
- Mentoring undergraduate students through our BLUEprint Connect Program
- Our annual Minority Achievement Gala
- And much more!
In April, we have two events. We have a book drive to help promote literacy in our local elementary schools and we have our annual Minority Achievement Gala. Please see the flyers below.
You can also donate online, directly to Better Basics: https://shop.scholastic.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/DonateView?storeId=10751&org=SCH&campaign=BB
After marching for science, come join us in celebrating the achievements of our community of scientists, health professionals, engineers, and educators.