Explore UAB

Dr. Erin L. BorryDr. Erin L. Borry

Welcome! Our Graduate Program options are the right choices for you if you seek a career in public service, want to effect social change, or have goals of enhancing your skills and education to advance in your current career. Our award-winning faculty offer a variety of classes to help prepare the next generation of global leaders and public service professionals.

Our NASPAA-accredited Master of Public Administration (MPA) is an interdisciplinary professional degree for those seeking the necessary skills to work in public, nonprofit, and nongovernmental organizations. The MPA is right for both pre-service students and in-service administrators. Because it is a broad-based degree, it is perfect for students from all types of undergraduate backgrounds.

Our MPA can be completed in addition to other degrees with our dual-degree options in Criminal Justice, Public Health, and Juris Doctor/JD (in conjunction with Samford University’s Cumberland School of Law). In addition, current UAB undergraduate students can consider the MPA as an Accelerated Bachelor’s/Master’s (ABM) degree option.

For those seeking graduate education but are not ready to commit to a master’s degree curriculum, we also offer Graduate Certificates in Nonprofit Management and Public Management. MPA alumni have gone on to hold elected office; work at local, state, and national levels of government; and hold positions at many nonprofit organizations as well as in private industry. Both also take part in UAB’s Interdisciplinary Graduate Studies (IGS) Degree. In addition, our courses are included as part of the Department of Art and Art History’s M. A. in Cultural Heritage Studies and the Department of Biology’s Graduate Certificate in Science Policy.

Our MPA Alumni Society is one of the most active at UAB, and provides many opportunities to current students, including the MPA Alumni Mentor Program. MPA Alumni have gone on to hold elected office, work at local, state, and national levels of government, and hold positions at many nonprofit organizations as well as in private industry.

If you have any questions about whether the MPA or Graduate Certificate programs are right for you, please contact us!


Dr. Erin L. Borry
Associate Professor and Graduate Program Director

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Contact Us

Robert G. Blanton

Professor, Department of Political Science and Public Administration
(205) 934-2339

Erin L. Borry

Graduate Program Director
Associate Professor, Department of Political Science and Public Administration
(205) 996-2159

Carin Mayo

MPA Program Manager
(205) 975-3413