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Rachel Ashcraft, MS, OTR/L, TBRI® Practitioner

Program Director
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Contact Us

Rachel Ashcraft, MS, OTR/L, TBRI® Practitioner

Program Director
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Online Program

The Multitiered Approach to Trauma Graduate Certificate is an online, five-course program designed to prepare you to implement trauma-informed practices and policies within your professional practice.

This certificate was designed with busy working professionals and students in mind, offering maximum flexibility to accommodate your demanding schedule. The online curriculum allows students the flexibility to work around their busy schedule, time zone, and professional demands.

Did You Know?

Trauma is a global public health crisis that has only increased since the COVID-19 pandemic. Adverse childhood experiences, or ACES, refers to specific traumatic experiences a person experiences in childhood. In the United States alone, over 60% of adults surveyed have at least one type of adverse childhood experience before the age of 18 and 1 in 6 adults report having experienced four or more types of ACES (CDC, 2022).

Illustration of a tree with deep roots, text superimposed: Multitiered Approach to Trauma Graduate Certificate.History Does Not Define The Future

Childhood trauma has lasting impacts that can permeate into adulthood, communities, and society at large. However, childhood trauma can be prevented, and the negative outcomes can be mitigated. A history of trauma does not have to define a person’s future. Healthy opportunities for people, families, and society occur when healthcare systems, education systems, community centers, child welfare organizations, family support organizations, mental health providers, and policy leaders adopt trauma-responsive and trauma-informed practices. This certificate is designed to equip professionals across a variety of settings to be a part of the positive change needed in our communities.

Who Should Apply?

Group of people including professionals, nurses, doctors of varying ages, genders, and ethnicities. This program is for anyone who wants to be an agent of positive change within their professional journey. This program’s innovative design allows student participants to customize their learning to meet their specific professional and learning needs.

All students receive the same foundational course during the first three semesters. The last two semesters, students focus their learning on applying core knowledge to their specific profession and setting.

This program is not limited to any specific field of study. It is highly recommended for anyone in any profession within a healthcare, education, public health, child welfare, mental health, or policy and leadership setting.