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Sustainability News

  • UAB Sustainability wins national recognition and support for saving energy and money
    The Green Labs and Rheaply programs at UAB earned a Department of Energy Better Practice Awards honor — one of only two universities to receive the award. Another recognition brings pro bono consulting on electrification of Blazer Express.
  • UAB Sustainability wins national recognition and support for saving energy and money
    The Green Labs and Rheaply programs at UAB have earned a Department of Energy Better Practice Awards honor — one of only two universities to receive the award. Another recognition brings pro bono consulting on electrification of Blazer Express.
  • Bring eclipse glasses at UAB Solar House from April 15 through May 1
    The collected glasses will be reused by students in Latin America to watch the eclipse.


Sustainability Professionals
Us Green Council Member Gray
Bicycle Friendly University
NWF Pollinator Pledge RGB