The English Placement Survey and Writing Sample helps determine the Freshman English course sequence best suited to your experiences with reading and writing. We want you to be successful as possible in your first semester at UAB. You will answer five questions about your experience with reading and writing and then upload a brief writing sample (roughly 450 words) in which you respond to a question about your plans for college. The survey and writing sample are scored by experienced writing teachers from the Department of English. Based on your survey and writing sample, you will receive an English placement in one of two course sequences: EH 101/102 or EH 106/107.

Please note that both sequences fulfill degree credit for the required six hours of Freshman English.

  • EH 106 and EH 107 provide additional support for students who might not have had a lot of writing instruction in high school and whose survey/samples don’t place them in EH 101.
  • EH 106 and EH 107 follow the same course goals and curriculum of EH 101 and EH 102. Class time is supplemented with additional writing studio sessions with the course instructor and with required tutoring at the University Writing Center. This additional support is listed as 096 (paired with EH 106) and 097 (paired with EH 107). EH 096 and EH 097 do not offer degree credit. However, EH 106 and EH 107 do count for degree credit.


You must complete the English Placement Survey and Writing Sample at least two weeks before being advised. If you submit your materials later than this two-week window, you run the risk of not having results prior to registering for classes.

What You Need

  • Your Blazer ID and password
  • A desktop computer, tablet, or cell phone
  • A reliable internet connection
  • A space conducive to doing your best work


There is no benefit to inflating or deflating your abilities on the English Placement Survey and Writing Sample. Incorrect placement can delay graduation and negatively affect your GPA. Dishonest work can result in placement into a course that isn’t a good fit for your current level of writing skills which can lead to poor outcomes, or maybe even a failing grade in that course. Cheating is a violation of UAB’s Academic Honor Integrity Code.

What to anticipate

You will answer 5 questions about your experience reading and writing in and out of school as well as upload a writing sample (roughly of 450 words) in which you respond to a specific question. The question will ask you to think in an open-ended way about your college plans and your academic values. There is no wrong or right answer! The goal is just to write candidly about something that’s important to you as you look ahead.

Getting started

When you are ready to take the exam, log into BlazerNET using your Blazer ID and password. Select “Math/English Placement Assessments” and click on the “English Placement Survey and Writing Sample” link.

Disability Accommodations

If you would like to request accommodations due to disability, please contact UAB Disability Support Services for assistance.
UAB Disability Support Services
(205) 934-4205 (voice)
(205) 934-4248 (TDD)

Frequently Asked Questions

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