Explore UAB


America Saves

Make a commitment to yourself and create a simple savings plan that actually works! Take the America Saves Pledge and we’ll send you short emails, text reminders, resources, and tools to keep you on track toward your savings goal.  Become a part of an entire community of Savers. Get started now! 

Students, Faculty, Staff

Financial Counseling

Need financial guidance but not sure where to start?  Schedule a one-on-one financial counseling appointment.  You can receive the guidance and tools needed to manage your personal finances, allowing you to set your own goals, build your financial success and accomplish your dreams. Take charge of your financial future today.

What we offer

We provide guidance for a variety of complex issues.

Credit management | Debt reduction, Spending plan development | Savings plan development, Solutions to maintain financial stability.

Who it's for

Our services are offered free to any UAB student, faculty, or staff member.

Make an appointment

Email rife@uab.edu to schedule an appointment.

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In a pinch? You may be eligible to borrow up to $300 for 90 days interest free through the Regions Institute for Financial Education at UAB. Available to all UAB students. For more details, email rifemicroloan@uab.edu.


You must meet the following qualifications to be considered for a microloan:

  • Student must be enrolled as a full-time student (undergraduate- 12 hours, graduate- 9 hours) during the semester the loan request is sent.
  • Not on academic probation.  
  • No current holds on your student account.
  • Must not currently have a micro loan.

Applications are reviewed weekly. Please allow a 72-hour turn around.

If you meet these qualifications, click the link to apply.

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Students, Faculty, Staff


Below is a list of presentations that you can request we come present to your class or student organization.

40 Money Management Tips
Budgeting for College Students
Budgeting for Life After Graduation
Car Buying
Changing Your Life Through Better Money Management
Dealing with Debt
Entry-level Wages
Family Money Skills
Income, Savings and Assets
Jumpstart Saving on a Limited Budget
Limited Incoming Earners
Making Smart Decisions About Payroll Deductions
Money Management
Money Potholes
Planning and Paying for Utility Costs
Preventing Foreclosure
Preventing Identity Theft
Protecting Against Common Types of Fraud

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