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Liou Y. Sun headshot.

Associate Professor sunlab@uab.edu
3134 East Science Hall, Science & Engineering Complex
(205) 934-8243

Research and Teaching Interests: Biology of Aging, Endocrinology, Obesity, Neurodegenerative disease

Office Hours: By appointment


  • M.D., Southeast University Medical School, Nanjing (China), Medicine
  • Ph.D., Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, Molecular, Cellular, and Systemic Physiology

Dr. Sun's laboratory is exploring the genetic control of aging in mammals and vertebrates. We are studying the endocrine mechanisms and nutritional factors for their effects on longevity and aging.

  • The physiological role of the somatotropic axis in the control of aging in mammals and vertebrates
  • The dietary factors on aging and longevity: calorie restriction vs. methionine restriction
  • Interventions studies of age-related diseases such as Diabetes and Alzheimer’s disease
Research Opportunities
I am accepting Master's and Ph.D. students in my lab. If you are interested in joining my lab, please send me an email (sunlab@uab.edu) that outlines your research interests, as well as your curriculum vitae.