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Stephen Watts headshot.

Professor sawatts@uab.edu
3130 East Science Hall, Science & Engineering Complex
(205) 934-2045

Research and Teaching Interests: Nutrition Sciences, Lab Animal Nutrition, Aquatic Animal Nutrition

Office Hours: By appointment


  • B.S., Auburn University, Marine Science, 1979
  • M.S., University of South Florida, Zoology, 1981
  • Ph.D., University of South Florida, Biology, 1986
  • Post Doctorate, University of New Hampshire and State University of Utrecht, The Netherlands, 1986-87

Dr. Stephen Watts joined UAB in 1987. His lab developed a strong program in animal science as it relates to the comparative physiology and nutrition of marine and aquatic organisms. His interests include understanding basic mechanisms associated with nutritional regulation in lab animal models of human health and disease as well as in animals used in production aquaculture. Over the last several decades Dr. Watts has working with collaborators to develop an understanding of nutritional requirements of lab-reared aquatic animal models in biomedical sciences. This includes understanding the role of nutrition in animal disease onset and progression, with emphasis as to how it relates to human nutrition and disease. The laboratory has a strong interest in nutrition as it relates to obesity and co-morbidities. The laboratory supports research in the development and application of standardized reference diets in several relevant model organisms. This work includes the evaluation of novel macronutrients for use in animal diets, including single cell proteins.

Dr. Watts has published over 200 articles in the field and currently teaches Cellular Biology to juniors and seniors at UAB. His work has been funded by NIH, NSF, NOAA, and a variety of foundations and industry groups. He is the only faculty at UAB to win the prestigious Caroline and Charles P. Ireland Award for Scholarly Distinction, the Presidential Award for Teaching, and the Graduate Dean’s Award for Outstanding Graduate Mentorship.

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