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Steven Austad headshot.

Distinguished Professor,
Protective Life Endowed Chair in Healthy Aging Research
3138 East Science Hall, Science & Engineering Complex
(205) 934-8308

Research and Teaching Interests: Biology of Aging, Evolution, Scientific Communication

Office Hours: By appointment


  • B.A., UCLA, English Literature
  • B.S., California State University, Northridge, Biology
  • Ph.D., Purdue University, Biological Sciences

I am originally from Southern California, but as my family moved a lot I had lived in every part of the United States before heading to college. After gaining an English Literature degree, I had a variety of jobs — newspaper reporter, taxi driver, wild animal trainer.... Training lions for the movie business awakened my interest in biology, so I went back to school, eventually getting my Ph.D. in biology.

My early research was field-based. I have done field research in several parts of the United States, Venezuela, East Africa, Micronesia, and Papua New Guinea. Once I became interested in the biology of aging, my research became more laboratory oriented. Perhaps because of my background in English, I have always been eager to communicate the excitement of science to the public at large. In that capacity I have written popular books, planned museum exhibits, and produced a regular newspaper column on science. About 80 of those columns have now been collected into a book (To Err is Human, To Admit It is Not and Other Essays: Thoughts on Criminal Justice, Health, Holidays, Nature, and the Universe. 2022. Resource Publ. 266 pages). Also in 2022 I published a trade book on unusual activities in studying the biology of aging. It is called Methuselah's Zoo: what nature can teach us about living longer, healthier lives (MIT Press).

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