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Meet Emmett Christolear

Emmett is a fun, funny, and dearly-loved second-year master's student. While working on a mixed form thesis, taking classes, and teaching classes this year, he's also serving as a Graduate Assistant Director in the University Writing Center. Read on to learn more about his adventure here at UAB.

Emmett Christolear

Why did you decide to come back to UAB?

I finally realized that I wanted to enter the world of education. I did not want to deal with the politics of teaching, so I tried to resist, but nothing makes me happier than working with students. When I got laid off due to COVID closures, I ended up moving back to Birmingham from Boston and it felt like a good time to return to UAB with fresh perspective.

How have our english classes impacted you academically, personally, professionally?

What sticks with me the most outside of the classroom is the work of my peers. I love writing classes with my entire being and I see pieces of my friends' stories all around me, even after months have passed.

You've participated in the Ada Long Writing Workshop for years now; what is your position, what is the workshop like, and how can others get involved?

The Ada Long Creative Writing Workshop is my favorite thing ever. It is an intensive 3-week workshop for high school students in June. UAB students can volunteer by contacting Tina Braziel, the workshop director, at tmharris@uab.edu. 

I teach magazine/journal production, which is an overly simple way of saying "my group of students and I put together a 42-page literary journal in four days."

Tell us about your thesis: what you're doing, how it's going.

I am writing a mixed form thesis focusing on non-fiction writing. I've got a few new poems under my belt and am expanding some prose pieces as well. Dr. James Braziel (Associate Professor, Creative Writing) is chairing my thesis committee, and his feedback sparks lots of ideas and keeps me motivated. I'm having a blast!

What are your hopes and dreams after graduating?

TBD. LOL. I am playing with many ideas for the future: applying for MFAs, trying to find a writing center job, teaching high school. I am trying to stay open to all opportunities so I don't miss a chance to do something really rewarding and special.