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The English Department offers the two following bachelor’s degrees for students, each one tailored around a different set of skills and outcomes.

BA in English

BA in English

The Bachelor of Arts in English is designed for students with a passion for reading, writing, and thinking about language. Our students study writing that inspires them, even as they work to sharpen their own powers of expression and communication. This BA program gives students a wide exposure to various aspects of English studies (Creative Writing, Linguistics, Literature, and Professional Writing), and students then choose one area in which to concentrate, taking five or more classes in that concentration.

This BA also gives students the option to enter our departmental Honors track and, in collaboration with a faculty mentor, to write an honors thesis on a subject of their choosing.

The BA is an excellent choice for students interested in fields such as teaching, librarianship, law, creative writing, editing, linguistics, advocacy, non-profits, higher ed, and many others.

BA in Writing and Media

BA in Writing and Media

This bachelor’s degree is designed for students who want to become creators of digital media. The BA combines coursework in Creative Writing and Professional Writing so that students can become more precise and imaginative writers. Elective coursework from other disciplines, such as graphic design and screenwriting, allows students to build toolkits so they can apply their writing skills in a variety of practical, relevant ways.

In keeping with this BA’s focus on applying knowledge to professional contexts, students on this degree track get hands-on experience through a capstone internship. They also take courses in digital content creation and build portfolios.

This BA is an excellent choice for students interested in fields such as content creation, website design, user experience marketing and PR, screenwriting, podcasting, streaming media, and other forms of multimodal entertainment.







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