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Assistant Professor watsonae@uab.edu
Heritage Hall 360
(205) 934-5634

Office Hours: T/Th 12:30 - 2 p.m.

Research and Teaching Interests: Early Modern Britain and its empire, the Atlantic world, the American Revolution, politics and democracy, print culture


  • B.A., Yale University
  • M.Phil., University of Cambridge
  • Ph.D., Yale University

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Amy Watson studies the history of the early modern British Empire, focusing in particular on partisan politics and the transatlantic origins of the American Revolution. Her current book project “Patriots Before Revolution: The Growth of Political Instability in the British Atlantic, 1714-1763” examines the origins of the Patriot Party, exploring the political debates and organizations that forged, shaped, and eventually severed Britain’s Atlantic Empire. Her research has been supported by the Early Modern Studies Institute at the University of Southern California, the Massachusetts Historical Society, the National Endowment for the Humanities, the Gates Cambridge Scholarship, the Library Company of Philadelphia, and the Huntington Library, among others. She has published in The William and Mary Quarterly and The Scottish Historical Review.