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The Faculty Fellows Program in the Institute for Human Rights (IHR) is a one-year fellowship designed to facilitate faculty involvement with IHR’s education and research programs. Fellows receive a $2,000 stipend. Fellowships can be renewed yearly up to three years. IHR Faculty Fellows will be part of the IHR Leadership Team.

The first cohort of Fellows will begin their appointment in January 2025 with an end date of July 2026. After the first year, Faculty Fellows will be appointed yearly in early August. The first cohort of faculty fellows will receive an extra $1,000 stipend for the additional seven months they will spend as IHR Faculty Fellows.

All full-time faculty at UAB are eligible for this program. Letter of approval by the applicant’s chair and/or dean is required.

IHR Faculty Fellows in Research (4 positions)

IHR Faculty Fellows in Research will coordinate one of four research working groups:

  • Human Rights and Health
  • Human Rights and Research Methods
    (including community-engaged research methods)
  • Human Rights and Technology
  • Human Rights and Society

Research Fellows will be expected to:

  • Attend monthly IHR Leadership meetings
  • Identify speakers and topics for research seminars, workshops, trainings, and create opportunities for UAB faculty and post-docs to present research drafts and get feedback on papers and grant proposals (if applicable)
  • Organize research seminars in their working group areas (with support from IHR Administrative Team)
  • Keep in touch with working group members directly and through updates posted in the IHR Newsletter
  • Coordinate grant reviews (if applicable)

Research Fellows will receive a budget of up to $3,000 to spend on research programming respectively.

IHR Faculty Fellows in Education (2 positions)

IHR Education Fellows will take positions in IHR’s Human Rights Lab and engage in one of two ways:

  • Senior Blog Editor of the IHR blog
  • Student Engagement and Outreach

Education Fellows will be expected to:

  • Attend monthly IHR Leadership meetings
  • Senior Blog Editor: Coordinate IHR Human Rights Lab graduate and undergraduate blog writer team (with support from IHR Administrative Team)
  • Student Engagement and Outreach: Coordinate IHR’s Birmingham Inclusive Community Empowerment Program (BICEP) and coordinate with the IHR Director the HRT 485 BICEP internship class with four students in the spring semester 2026

Education Fellows will receive a budget of up to $1,000 to spend on education programming in their respective areas.


Please submit by November 1, 2024:

  • 1-3 page statement detailing your expertise, experience, and interest in the position
  • Your CV

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For questions, please contact IHR Director, Tina Kempin Reuter, at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..