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Undergraduate Neuroscience Program College of Arts and Sciences | Heersink School of Medicine

Welcome to the Undergraduate Neuroscience Program

Interested in pursuing a career in medicine, research, or other health-related disciplines? Neuroscience is the study of the structure and function of the nervous system with a special focus on the brain. Our innovative, interdisciplinary program offers you a broad knowledge of the field of neuroscience through extensive coursework and cutting edge research.

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Blazer Majors: Neuroscience – Karim Mikhail

Karim Mikhail, a rising senior in the B.S. in Neuroscience program, wants to improve medications and therapeutics for those who suffer from neurological diseases. Hear more about why Karim chose his major and what makes the interdisciplinary program unique.

Blazer Majors: Neuroscience – Nadira

Meet Nadira, a student double majoring in neuroscience—a joint program with the Heersink School of Medicine—and philosophy. In this video, Nadira shares why she chose her two majors and how they will prepare her for a future in medical law.

Interested In Learning More About Neuroscience?

Register below for the Heersink School of Medicine Joint Undergraduate Programs interest session and visit UAB campus.

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Then you can change your major on BlazerNET. Find more information here.

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