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Announcements CAS News August 22, 2013

HeithCopes sHeith Copes, Ph.D., associate professor in the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) Department of Justice Sciences, will discuss “Social Identity and Boundary Maintenance among Drug Users” Aug. 30, 2013.

In it, Copes will explore how cultural narratives about types of drug addicts shape the personal narratives of individual drug users.

The lecture is part of the Theodore Haddin Arts and Sciences Forum 2013-14 presented by the UAB College of Arts and Sciences. Distinguished faculty throughout the college will present topical lectures on issues that range from cinema to math to racial disparities. This year’s theme is “Lunch . . . Ideas . . . Conversation.” The events, free and open to the public, are held at 11:30 a.m. in Heritage Hall Room 524, 1401 University Blvd.

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