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Announcements Chris McCauley November 26, 2024

Joshua Lewis presents his research during the lightning talks at the CAS Graduate Research Day.On November 20, 2024, the College of Arts and Sciences (CAS) hosted its first-ever Graduate Research Day at the University of Alabama at Birmingham’s Alumni House. Rajesh Kana, Ph.D., Associate Dean for Graduate and Continuing Education, facilitated the event, which featured a keynote address, lightning talks, a panel discussion, and poster presentations. In total, nearly 100 students, faculty, and staff from across CAS attended the research day.

According to Kana, “The Inaugural CAS Graduate Research Day was designed to provide a platform for graduate students from the College of Arts and Sciences to showcase their research. The breadth and depth of student presentations at this event was a testimony to the diversity of graduate programs in CAS. We plan to continue organizing this event in the coming years.”

Kana and Kecia M. Thomas, dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, opened the event with brief remarks, then welcomed Suzanne Barbour, Ph.D., dean of the Graduate School and Vice Provost for Graduate Education at Duke University, to deliver her keynote presentation. Her talk explored the current state of graduate education, and she highlighted a range of strategies designed to effectively mentor students, emphasize wellness and belonging, and illuminate future career options. Overall, her remarks illustrated how institutions can better support graduate students and further build on good work that is already underway.

Soon after Barbour’s keynote, five graduate students from CAS departments delivered brief lightning talks: Devon Gray (psychology), Taylor Keifer (anthropology), Michael Addo (biology), Kaylie Rastegar (English), and Joshua Lewis (sociology). The students covered diverse topics, including rainbow trout, peacebuilding and farmers markets, and Mary Elizabeth Braddon's book Lady Audley's Secret.

Left to right: Robert Sorge, Ph.D., Rebecca Ann Bach, Ph.D., and Aaron Lucius, Ph.D.Left to right: Robert Sorge, Ph.D., Rebecca Ann Bach, Ph.D., and Aaron Lucius, Ph.D.Following the lightning talks, attendees heard a panel discussion titled “Navigating Graduate School and Early Career” featuring four CAS faculty members: Robert Sorge, Ph.D., Department of Psychology; Rebecca Ann Bach, Ph.D., Department of English; Aaron Lucius, Ph.D., Department of Chemistry; and Cathleen Cummings, Ph.D., Department of Art and Art History. Cummings served as the moderator, and all four faculty members shed light on their experiences both as former graduate students and as current faculty members. They discussed their favorite graduate school memories, examined the changing landscape of graduate education, and explored work-life balance. Several graduate students asked insightful questions that prompted further discussion and advice from the panelists.

The event ended with an opportunity for attendees to view over 30 posters and hear from student researchers. Overall, the day proved to be a valuable opportunity for CAS to celebrate its graduate students and create space for dialogue and learning. The College would like to thank the speakers, poster presenters, and attendees for making the day a great success.

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