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Arts & Sciences Magazine Kayla McLaughlin October 05, 2015

Mary LatimerMary LatimerBiology graduate student Mary Latimer is a recipient of a 2015-2016 STEM Chateaubriand Fellowship.

The fellowship grant, offered by the Office of Science and Technology within the Embassy of France in Washington, D.C., provides four to nine months of uninterrupted study and research in France for Ph.D. students enrolled in an American university. The fellowship also covers living expenses. Latimer will travel to Rennes, France, January through May 2016.

Latimer, whose work focuses on muscle tissue regulation, growth and deterioration in the giant danio (Devario aequipinnatus ), was chosen from a large pool of applicants across the U.S.  She says the grant reinforces collaboration and partnerships for biomedical advances. “Our lab has worked collaboratively with Dr. Jean-Charles Gabillard [fellow French scientist in muscle stem research] for many years,” she says, “and the opportunity to continue this collaborative effort is thrilling.”  

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