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Arts & Sciences Magazine CAS News October 05, 2015

Dr. Howard ZehrOnce again this spring, the College celebrated its most prestigious academic prizes: The Ireland Distinguished Visiting Scholar Award and the Ireland Award for Scholarly Distinction. Endowed by Caroline P. and the late Charles W. Ireland, the awards are given annually and come with monetary prizes. The Ireland Award for Scholarly Distinction is given to a faculty member in the College whose research and scholarship is of the highest caliber. This year’s winner was Dr. Trygve Tollefsbol of the Department of Biology, who studies epigenetics.

The Distinguished Visiting Scholar Award is given to a prominent intellectual outside of the UAB academic community whose work is groundbreaking and transformational in his or her field. Renowned scholar Dr. Howard Zehr, a global leader in restorative justice, was the recipient of this year’s award.

Both winners gave public lectures on their research, which were attended by Caroline Ireland and other special guests. Dr. Tollefsbol and his wife Dr. Lucy Andrews were joined by current and former students, as well as former Ireland winners from the college. Dr. Zehr spoke to a large crowd including arts and sciences students and faculty.

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