Explore UAB

Arts & Sciences Magazine CAS News October 07, 2016

Our activity level in the College increased right alongside the spring and summer temperatures. From exhibits at the Abroms-Engel Institute for the Visual Arts to a Spring Commencement that is only growing in size and excitement, we had countless achievements to celebrate and numerous opportunities to come together as a campus community.

Our commitment to providing a world-class education to our undergraduates and graduate students is evident in our programming, our instruction, our advising, and our facilities. Everything we do is to ensure that our students are successful while they are here and long after they leave to pursue their careers. We encourage you to return to campus and be a part of today’s UAB. From lectures to music performances, from theatre productions to art exhibits, from films to cookouts, there’s something wonderful for you to experience.

Spring Commencement

Summer Exhibits at AEIVA

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