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Student Achievement CAS News July 01, 2013

Physics graduate student Spencer Smith has been selected for a CDAC graduate fellowship beginning August 15th. This fellowship will cover stipend, full tuition including health insurance and $3,000 towards materials and supplies for his research. In addition, Carnegie Institution of Washington will cover travel to national DOE facilities and relevant conferences.

UAB physics is part of a Carnegie-Department of Energy Alliance Center (CDAC) that has been renewed for a period of five-years 2013-2018, which includes two graduate fellowships for 2013-2014. The fellowships are allocated to students working on experimental, computational, or theoretical studies of materials under extreme conditions (temperatures, pressures, radiation, high energy density materials, and laser driven shocks etc.)  These studies could entail research at the DOE National Facilities at the Advanced Photon Source (APS) in Chicago, Spallation Neutron Source (SNS) in Oak Ridge and National Synchrotron Light Source (NSLS) in New York.

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