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Student Achievement CAS News July 22, 2016

Five Undergraduate Neuroscience Program students won awards at the UAB Office of Service Learning and Undergraduate Resea​rch's Summer Expo. The Summer Expo showcases the research and service learning work being produced by UAB undergraduates and other students in UAB summer research programs, summer REU programs, and other summer opportunities.

The presentation winners are as follows:

Oral Presentations: 
First Place: Cooper Bailey (Younger Lab, Psychology)
Title: Current Fatigue Levels Impact Future Activity Levels In Chronic Fatigue Patients

Biological and Life Sciences
First Place: Sam Mabry (Roberts Lab, Psychiatry)

Title: Densitometry Analysis of vGlut1, vGlut2, and GAD67 antibodies in the Substantia Nigra in Schizophrenia

Second Place (tie): Rahul Gaini (Pozzo-Miller Lab, Neurobiology)
Title: Morphological studies of inhibitory interneurons in the medial prefrontal cortex of Rett Syndrome mice

Henry Paiste (Matalon Lab, Anesthesiology and Perioperative Medicine)
Title: Hemopexin Decreases Susceptibility to Pseudomonas aeruginosa Infection Following Br2 exposure 

Social and Behavioral Sciences
Second Place: Remy Meir (Sorge Lab, Psychology)
Title: Baclofen and Opioid Interactions: Reward and Analgesia

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