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Philosophy students having a classroom discussion.

The major in philosophy is built around two aims:

  • the study of the methods, problems, and history of philosophy
  • applications of and current developments within the discipline.

We teach our students to present and critically analyze arguments, orally and in written form. Our graduates have pursued careers in teaching, law, medicine, counseling, and business.

Program Details

There are three different ways to major in philosophy at UAB: the general track, the ethics track, and the honors program. When a student first declares a major in philosophy, he or she is classified in the general track. Students remain in this track unless they request entry and are successfully admitted into one of the other tracks. These requests are made by the department chair.

A complete list of major requirements, courses, and a proposed four-year program of study for Philosophy majors are available in the UAB Undergraduate Catalog.

Ready to Apply?

All the information you need to apply can be found on the UAB Undergraduate Admissions website.

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