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Peter Jones

Associate Professorpajones5@uab.edu
Heritage Hall 405
(205) 996-2533

Research and Teaching Interests: Public budgeting and finance, education finance and policy, econometrics and research methods

Office Hours: T 3:00 - 4:00 p.m; W 2:00 - 3:30 p.m.; and by appointment


  • B.S., University of Kentucky, Journalism
  • MPP, University of Kentucky, Public Budgeting and Finance
  • Ph.D., University of Kentucky, Public Policy and Administration

Dr. Jones received his Ph.D. from the University of Kentucky in 2014. Broadly, his research focuses on the public budgeting processes and financial management of local and state governments. He also studies K-12 public schools and considers the financial ramifications of various education policy issues. His work has appeared in Policy Studies Journal, American Review of Public Administration, International Journal of Public Administration, Public Financial Management, Urban Governance, International Journal of Public Sector Management, and the Journal of Public Affairs Education.

A recipient of the 2021 College of Arts and Sciences Dean's Awards for Excellence in Teaching, Dr. Jones primarily teaches in UAB’s Master of Public Administration program, training the region's future public and nonprofit sector leaders. He offers classes on the public budgeting and financial management, and data management. He also teaches an undergraduate course on public service.

Dr. Jones co-leads the Alabama Chapter for Scholars Strategy Network (SSN), a national organization of university-based scholars who are committed to using research to improve policy and strengthen democracy. SSN is nonpartisan and focuses on connecting academic experts with policy makers, journalists, and civic leaders so that they have the best information to craft policy. He is also a member of the Public Affairs Research Council of Alabama Roundtable and served on the Alabama State Advisory Committee to the United States Commission on Civil Rights.

More information is available on  pdfDr. Jones' CV.