Explore UAB

UAB’s Department of Social Work taught me how to deliver evidence-based social work practice with a diverse population, educated me on how to advocate for vulnerable groups, and instilled in me the social work ethics and values to apply to everyday practice.

– Savannah Henderson, ’19

Students in a classroomRequired course work for the Bachelor of Science in Social Work includes the acquisition of social work knowledge, values, and skills essential to social work practice, research, and policy. The curriculum culminates with a full-time, one-term field practicum. Requirements include 49 hours of social work classes and 28 hours of required foundation courses from other school disciplines.

You can read the Student Handbook (PDF) for an in-depth look at exactly how the program works and what you will be studying and experiencing.

No minor is required for social work majors.

How to Apply

If you wish to declare social work as a major, you must formally apply for admission to the professional program. Learn about the application process on the Admission to the Program page.

Course Catalog

A complete list of major requirements, courses, and a proposed four-year program of study for social work majors are available in the UAB Undergraduate Catalog. The four-year program of study contains the required courses from other disciplines that Majors must take.

Program Requirements

All program requirements and courses are outlined in the UAB Undergraduate Catalog. Required coursework includes the acquisition of social work knowledge, values, and skills essential to social work practice, research, and policy. The curriculum culminates with a full-time, one-term field practicum. Here are two additional requirements to consider:

  1. you will need to choose one Social Work elective;
  2. transfer students must complete SW 322/322L, SW 422/422L, SW 490, and SW 494 at UAB.

Ready to Apply?

All the information you need to apply can be found on UAB's Undergraduate Admissions website.

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Major Information

If you are a current student and wish to change your major, be sure to speak with your current advisor(s). Find your advisor(s) listed on your student profile page when you log in to BlazerNET.

Then you can change your major on BlazerNET. Find more information here.

Attributer.io Fields

UAB’s Department of Social Work taught me how to deliver evidence-based social work practice with a diverse population, educated me on how to advocate for vulnerable groups, and instilled in me the social work ethics and values to apply to everyday practice.

– Savannah Henderson, ’19