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UAB’s Department of Social Work taught me how to deliver evidence-based social work practice with a diverse population, educated me on how to advocate for vulnerable groups, and instilled in me the social work ethics and values to apply to everyday practice.

– Savannah Henderson, ’19

Because the Bachelor of Science in Social Work (BSSW) is a professional degree, you must successfully complete a formal application process to advance from UAB's core curriculum to the BSSW professional curriculum. Be sure to work with your academic advisor at UAB every semester to ensure that you fulfill the program's application requirements.

Eligibility Criteria

If you wish to declare social work as a major, you may formally apply for admission to the professional program upon meeting the following criteria:

  • Substantial completion of the core curriculum requirements with a grade of C or better in each course;
  • Cumulative undergraduate GPA of 2.25 or higher; and
  • Completion of SW: 100, SW: 200, SW: 207, and SW: 222 with a cumulative average of 2.5 or better (students may apply while enrolled in these courses but will not be fully accepted into the program until final grades have been posted and verified).

How to Apply

Applications for BSSW Professional Program are accepted twice during the academic year, during the Fall (September) and Spring semesters (February). Accepting applications during these semesters and months allows time to notify students of acceptance in time for registration for the following semester.

Students must self-initiate the process. Students who see their CAS Social Work Academic Advisor each semester are in the best position to know when it is time for them to apply for the professional program. Notices regarding the application dates will be emailed to all social work students each semester.

Students who would like to apply to the BSSW Professional Program need to complete these steps:

  1. Students must make an appointment to meet with their assigned academic advisor in the CAS Advising Office to verify academic eligibility as described above. In addition, CAS Academic Advisor will provide each applicant with information about how to apply to the professional program. The CAS Academic Advisor will also complete the Curriculum for Social Work Majors Checklist (PDF) with each student.
  2. During February and September, students should submit their applications via the University's learning management system, Canvas. Students enrolled in SW 222/SW22L will be automatically enrolled in the non-academic course that includes the application. Other students may request access by contacting the BSSW Program Director.
  3. The application includes the following parts: a student information form; a completed copy of the student’s Curriculum for Social Work Majors Checklist (completed by the CAS academic advisor); classroom comportment completed by social work instructors from SW 100, SW 200, SW 207, and SW 222/222L; and four written essay questions.
  4. Late applications are not accepted. Students are encouraged to plan ahead to meet the application steps and deadlines.
  5. Please note that procedures governing reasonable accommodations for students who have disabilities follow those prescribed by UAB's Disability Support Services Office for classroom participation and test-taking. Any student who requests a reasonable accommodation needs to notify the Program Director to make arrangements.

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Review Process

The process for evaluating applications to the professional social work program involves:

  1. assessment of the intellectual ability of students, as demonstrated by check sheet;
  2. academic advisor’s review form;
  3. the faculty assessment of applicants’ classroom comportment, as demonstrated by the Faculty Observation forms;  and
  4. writing skills and level of pre-professional self-awareness, as demonstrated by a student’s written essays.

Decision-Making for Applications to the Professional Social Work Program

  1. The Program Director reviews application forms and checklists. The Academic Advisor reviews forms to make sure that they are complete.
  2. Faculty members individually review the materials in each applicant’s essays. Two faculty members independently review the same essays. If two reviews are not congruent, the Program Director will provide the third review, and this disposition of this final review will be accepted.
  3. The Program Director compiles the results from the Faculty Observation Forms and reviews of essays (assessed in writing skills and self-awareness).
  4. The BSSW Program Committee members, including the Program Director, meet and discuss applications if there is an inconsistent review among faculty members. At this time, all application materials (e.g., Faculty Observation Forms, essays, etc.) will be reviewed by the BSSW Program Committee members, and they will make final decisions.
  5. The Program Director will notify the students regarding their acceptance status.

In accordance with the social work profession’s value for social justice and its value for inclusiveness and in concert with UAB’s Academic Equal Opportunity Policy, applicants to the professional program are considered regardless of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability unrelated to program performance, disabled veteran status, or Vietnam-era status.

Additionally, applicants are not discriminated against due to sexual orientation, political orientation, or creed.

Admission Status

There are three options available for admission status:

Notification Procedure

The students will receive an email indicating the status of their application at the end of October for the Fall semester and at the end of March for the Spring semester. The Academic Advisor will also be notified of the students’ application status.

The Student Handbook

A detailed description of the application process can be found in the Student Handbook (PDF).

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Contact Information

Counselor Contact Information

Parent/Family Information

Education History

High School

Last High School or College Attended

Most recently attended college or university

Major Information

If you are a current student and wish to change your major, be sure to speak with your current advisor(s). Find your advisor(s) listed on your student profile page when you log in to BlazerNET.

Then you can change your major on BlazerNET. Find more information here.

Attributer.io Fields

UAB’s Department of Social Work taught me how to deliver evidence-based social work practice with a diverse population, educated me on how to advocate for vulnerable groups, and instilled in me the social work ethics and values to apply to everyday practice.

– Savannah Henderson, ’19