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The UAB CCTS congratulates Dr. Adreinne Milner and Dr. Elizabeth Baker, Assistant Professors, Sociology, on the publication of the first paper associated with the Birmingham Walking Buses project, in the Open Journal of Preventive Medicine.

 The Birmingham Walking Buses were born out of the inaugural 2012 Community Health Innovation Awards. The One Great Community Project and Community Council are acknowledged in the paper on page 523 of the PDF version.

The Birmingham Walking Buses are a series of scheduled, guided walking routes that occur on a regular basis through downtown Birmingham, UAB campus, and the Southside/Lakeview area. For more information, including route times and locations, visit their Facebook page. The program's kickoff in October 2013 was featured in several local news broadcasts. Read more about the kickoff here.

The Community Health Innovation Award process is ongoing. . Click here to read more about the application and award processes.