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Special Modules

Driving Innovation

Special Modules Pathway V1.1The CCTS Special Modules domain comprises three distinct research areas with tremendous promise: genomic medicine, drug discovery, and device development. Our goal with all three is the same: to help clinical and translational investigators connect with and leverage the state-of-the-art expertise and unique capacities found within the CCTS Partner Network in each area.

By connecting researchers with our Special Modules resources, the CCTS seeks to accelerate the pace of scientific discovery and the translation of findings into improvements in clinical practice and human health. We invite you to learn more about our Genomic & Precision Medicine Module and the Academic Drug Discovery and Device Development (AD4) program. The latter represents an expansion and synthesis of our previous efforts in this space with the Alabama Drug Discovery Alliance and AIMTech.

Contact us with any questions at ccts@uab.edu.