Explore UAB

With 10 posters out of a field of 74, CCTS ruled the aisles at the Hill Student Center Ballroom! Nearly all of the CCTS domains were represented, with posters highlighting key cores: Biostatistics, Epidemiology, and Research Design (BERD); Research Commons; Bionutrition; Clinical Research Unit; Sample Processing and Analytic Nexus; and the Training Academy.  

A poster on our CCTS Partner Network, plus three others showcasing Auburn University’s cutting-edge MRI Research Center; Tuskegee University’s wide array of technical resources in support of cancer therapeutics, HIV/AIDS, companion animal health, food security, material science, and biomedical engineering; and the premiere microanalytical and microstructural characterization capacities of the Central Analytic Facility at University of Alabama (UA), rounded out the roster. 

Many thanks to our CCTS colleagues who joined us from out of town to participate, including Thomas Denney Jr., PhD, director, Auburn University MRI Research Center; Jason White, core lab manager, Center for Biomedical Research/RCMI, Tuskegee University; and Richard L. Martens, manager, UA Central Analytical Facility.

Captions (photos top to bottom, 2 posters are not shown):

  1. CCTS Director Robert Kimberly talks with Research Commons Executive Administrator Jennifer Croker, PhD, and CCTS Finance Director Richard Hines. 
  2. Auburn MRI Research Center Director Dr. Thomas Denney Jr. 
  3. Tuskegee Center for Biomedical Research/RCMI Core Lab Manager Jason White
  4. UA's Central Analytical Facility poster
  5. CCTS Informatics poster
  6. CCTS Clinical Research Unit Nurse Manager Jolene Lewis
  7. Dr. Patrizia DeSarno visits the CCTS Partner Network poster, chats with Research Commons Program Director Angela Schmeckebier
  8. Research Associate Jing Wu stands with the CCTS Specimen Processing and Analytical Nexus poster

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