Eight CCTS Predoctoral TL1 trainees presented posters on their research findings at the UAB School of Medicine Dale J. Benos Medical Student Research Day. Our outstanding TL1s are pursuing an MS or MSPH, in addition to an MD or clinical PhD, to broaden their career options by adding a translational science skill set to their cvs. Learn more about the TL1 programs (the yearlong degree-granting version or the 8-week certificate summer course) cvs or contact the This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
The CCTS is deeply grateful to the faculty members who serve as mentors in our TL1 program.
CCTS TL1 Trainee Poster Presenters (and their mentors)
Macie Enman presented Key Determinants for Achieving Enteral Autonomy in Pediatric Intestinal Failure. (Mentor: Dr. David Galloway)
Stephen D. Gragg presented Hypomethylation of ADORA1, SBNO2, and WIZ is associated with risk of multiple myeloma, smouldering myeloma, and monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance. (Mentor: Dr. Elizabeth Brown)
Joann Hsu presented Aspirin Use and Long-Term Rates of Sepsis: A Population-Based Cohort Study. (Mentor: Dr. Henry Wang)
Timothy J. Kennell Jr. presented The Almighty, Overridden Clinical Decision Support Alert. (Mentor: Dr. James J. Cimino)
Alexandra B. Khodadadi presented on Assessing Community Members' Preferences of a Family-Based Diabetes Prevention Program in Rural Alabama. (Mentor: Dr. Andrea Cherrington)
Matthew B. Neu presented on Initial Whole Genome Analysis of SFARI Phase I. (Mentor: Dr. Greg Cooper).
Kristin M. Olson presented A Case for Point-of-Care Testing for Chlamydia and Gonorrhea in the Emergency Department Setting. (Mentor: Dr. William Geisler)
Anna Joy Rogers presented on Missed Opportunities for Repeat HIV Testing and Early ART Initiation during Pregnancy in Southwestern Kenya. (Mentor: Dr. Janet Turan)